Functional Capacity Evaluations
Worker’s Compensation
The FCE conducted with a client in disability cases assess the same criteria as an FCE for a Worker’s Compensation client. The goal is to accurately report what a person physically can or cannot do while monitoring vital signs, noting compensatory strategies and any reports of pain or fatigue. As a licensed physical therapist conducting the FCE, safety is priority at all times.
We also provide Functional Capacity Evaluations capturing limitations related to complex diagnoses such as Lipedema and Long Covid.
Disability (SSI/SSDI) & Long Term Disability
Our FCEs use objective findings to accurately assess if a person can meet the demands of their job. We measure the physical demands as defined by the US Department of Labor. Our goal is to provide comprehensive, accurate, objective, and valid measures of the client’s ability to maintain work postures and perform necessary .
Long Covid FCE
We are still learning about the effects of Covid-19 and more specifically Long Covid. We use a Covid Specific FCE to closely monitor the heart and respiratory rates, as well as blood pressure and fatigue while performing the FCE activities. This specific FCE is an important and objective evidence to use in the case of Disability. This FCE would determine the impact that Covid had on the client and how it affects their ability to work and perform daily activities.
Lipedema FCE
Currently, necessary surgical interventions to manage Lipedema are often not authorized or paid for by medical insurance. We are committed to helping you through this process.
We use a Lipedema Specific FCE to explain how profoundly the disease affects a person’s ability to sit, stand, walk, perform daily routines and carry out regular household tasks every day. The Lipedema FCE is an important, objective report that details why surgery is medically necessary for daily function.